Saturday, June 13, 2020

Domestic Disturbance

Domestic Disturbance: John Travolta, Steve Buscemi ... - Amazon.comDomestic Disturbance
November 2, 2001
Crime Drama

I liked this more than I expected, especially with a title like that.  Since I haven't seen any of Vaughn's other dramas yet, I found it interesting that this plays off of the duality of his persona, the charm and the creepiness (which I noticed in DodgeBall as well).  Casting him as the nice-seeming psychopathic stepfather works, as does Travolta's average Joe persona for the ex.  (And of course Steve B. is very Buscemi.)  I did think the movie got a bit silly, especially in the last twenty minutes, but it certainly held my interest.  And I like that it's a PG-13 crime drama, more about the suspense than the violence.

Harold Becker directed, about five years before City Hall.

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