Thursday, June 18, 2020

The fifth hundred movies on this blog

How Much Is a $500 Bill Worth? | The Motley FoolFive hundred movies into this project, and the success rate holds steady at 12%, that is getting a C+ or higher. 

Sadly, there is now an F- (the first on any of my blogs), and two F's instead of one, but F+s simply went from eight to ten.  The D-s grew from 32 to 40, the D's from 50 to 66, and the D+s from 82 to 103.  The C-s increased from 124 to 152 and the C's from 50 to 61.  The C+s, those movies just  good enough to finish, rose from 17 to 20, while B-s somehow jumped from 16 to 24.  However, there are still 13 B's and three B+s.

As for the decade distribution, there are still just four 1920s movies, but now 20 instead of 17 from the '30s.  The '40s grew from 17 to 21, the '50s from 30 to 34, and the '60s from 21 to 25.  The '70s are now at 31 instead of 23.  The '80s increased from 41 to 49, the '90s from 59 to 72.  The 2000s are still the leading decade, with 133 now rather than 105.  The 2010s remain runners-up, with 110 instead of 105.  And, yes, there's now a lone 2020s movie.

"Based on a book" is still a tag for over a quarter of the movies, now 131 of them.  And now there are 63 Warner Bros. movies.

Predictions?  I think the next hundred movies will finish off not only the letter D but the letter E.  As for the quality of the movies, it'll probably be much like it has been, a few gems or at least decent rocks mixed in with the mud and crap.

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