Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assassination Nation

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Assassination Nation
Bron Studios
September 21, 2018
Crime Comedy*

Sam Levinson (son of Barry) wrote and directed this movie that came out just over a year ago but honestly feels more dated than Gidget.  The teen-girl narration may make you think you're in for something like Juno or Easy A, but darker than Heathers, especially with the "trigger warnings" montage.  Instead, it turns into some sort of "Oh, those wild teenagers" shocker like a "flaming youth" movie from the 1920s, but with "modern" technology.  That would all be fine, if we could care about or even distinguish between the various teens.  Still, it's stylish enough for a D+.

*Who knows what genre this is?  Wikipedia says "black comedy thriller teensploitation."  It may've been aiming for satire or maybe it really is teensploitation, or both?

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