Friday, September 20, 2019

Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
Image result for around the world in 80 days 1956
Supporting Ebert's rule that no good movie except
The Wizard of Oz features a hot-air balloon.
United Artists
October 17, 1956
Historical Comedy*

I gave this a half hour because I kept thinking that it would, well, go somewhere.  But after about six minutes of Edward R. Murrow doing the prologue, including clips from Méliès's A Trip to the Moon, we get to the actual story but even that takes another twenty minutes or so for set-up.  I still might've stuck it out but the inclusion of buying a not-in-the-book balloon, when one is available for rent, just annoyed me.  So I missed all the cameos that are supposed to be later and am just tagging the people I recognized in the first half hour.  (No, that doesn't include Catinflas.)

S.J. Perelman co-wrote the screenplay.  Michael Anderson directed.

*I guess this could also count as adventure, but I didn't see anything adventurous, or indeed anything that would justify "Todd-A.O.," in the first half hour.

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