Sunday, August 11, 2019

(500) Days of Summer

Image result for (500) days of summer(500) Days of Summer
Fox Searchlight
August 7, 2009
Romantic Comedy

At one point in the first quarter-hour, the female love interest (named Summer, hence the title) tells the protagonist that he's "perfectly adequate" at his job at their mutual workplace.  And I guess I'd say the same of this movie.  It's far from the worst romcom I've ever seen (Serendipity still stands out in my mind after almost 18 years), but I didn't really care about the main couple or his friends.  The story is told out of order, a gimmick that neither intrigued nor annoyed me.  Still, it was nice to see Moretz as the kid sister, since I liked her in the first Wimpy Kid movie.

Marc Webb directed.  Note that this is fifteen years after Gordon-Levitt played a kid in Road Killers, and he would not have been my prediction for the first repeat performer on this blog.

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