Sunday, August 25, 2019

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Image result for alice doesn't live here anymoreAlice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Warner Bros.
December 9, 1974
Dramedy, Romance

I grew up watching the Alice sitcom and knew that it was inspired by this movie, which I never watched until today.  It's very different from the TV show, and doesn't even get to Mel's (well, Mel & Ruby's) Diner until over halfway through, shortly before we meet the characters played by Kristofferson and Foster.  There's definitely humor but there are moments of sadness, anger, and even violence.  The studio-enforced "happy ending" (the penultimate scene) is a little contrived, but remember that the movie opens with a movie-like scene of Alice's childhood (a bit like a rose-tinted Wizard of Oz, only in Monterey rather than Kansas).  Burstyn plays the many moods of her character quite well, but there are some fun supporting performances, including Tayback and Ladd originating the characters of Mel and Flo.  (Ladd would end up as Belle, the middle waitress on the sitcom.)  Curtin's Vera is one of her typically loopy roles, although I still have soft spot for Beth Howland's take on the character.  Note that Alfred Lutter did play Tommy on the Alice pilot.

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