Sunday, August 4, 2019


Image result for shotgun movieShotgun
PM Entertainment Group
June 1989*

Addison Randall wrote and directed this very low-budget movie that I would've given a lower rating if I didn't sort of like the cheesiness.  Things happen with almost no logic, one right after the other, apparently masterminded by a British businessman who likes to beat prostitutes to death.  Meanwhile, there are two cops, one stoic and white, the other black and emotional, and when I tuned out the black cop was eating a banana in an adult video store.  The feel of the movie is very late-'80s, but in a 976-commercial** kind of way.

*This film is American, but the only release date at IMDB is the straight-to-video date, this time in West Germany.

**For any youngsters stumbling across my blog, check out this blog:

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